Are you currently in a romantic relationship? What does that person do for you? What do they give you?
Many of my clients with dating issues are looking for someone to ‘complete’ them, or to make them ‘happy’, and they’re finding it a tall order!
It’s not even about the people they’ve been dating, their problem is that they have a false belief about love and that is:
If you find ‘the one’, then you can live happily ever after.
This myth is spoon-fed to us from our childhood fairy-tales, so of course we believe it – but it’s total BULL CRAP.
Don’t get me wrong, that special person does exist, the one who’ll complete you, who’ll love you unconditionally, who’ll always stay with you – no matter what. And the great news is, the amazing human being who’ll help you heal, who’ll help you grow, who’ll help you feel happy…is already in your life.
Yep, it’s you babe.
A healthy, happy, loving relationship with yourself is the most important and fulfilling relationship you’ll ever have.
Not feeling me?
OK – imagine you could have all the fun bits of a romantic relationship, without having to entrust your confidence, well-being, and even your identity to some random bloke who scratches his balls in the morning and does beery burps?
What if you already felt loved, adored and valued by your self, and the relationship with the other person was just the icing on the cake?
What if you were with a partner not because you were constantly wanting things from them, wanting them to do or say something to make you feel good, but because you really dig them and love having adventures with them?
When we make our hearts hostages to fortune by handing them to a total stranger we want to get jiggy with, we make ourselves vulnerable. It’s like relying on a foreign power with an unstable leader for all your critical energy supplies – crazy idea, right? (Oh, hang on…).
When you are emotionally self-sufficient and the World of You has it’s own warm sun and bright stars, you are in a position of security and power, so you don’t have to settle for the losers anymore.
So how about spending February, the traditional month of lurrrve, working on the greatest relationship you’ll ever have and then you’ll never ‘need’ a partner again. You’ll never be in want of one, however, when others see your happy, loved-up energy – they’ll come running.
Er…OK, but where do I start with self-love? Here's a good place to start: