‘Your whole life is the words you say to yourself, and the pictures you make in your head’ – Marissa Peer, Britain’s No.1 Therapist
No matter what happens to us in life, how we think about events and what we make them mean is the biggest determining factor in how happy and healthy we are. If we perceive our life as an adventure, with new lessons and experiences coming to us each day to help us grow – we tend to feel positive about life. If we perceive our life as one crisis after another, a stressful and out of control fairground ride – then we tend to see life in a more negative way.
As an example, 2 people can be sitting in an aeroplane, ready for take-off. Person A sees this as the beginning of her holiday so she’s full of excitement and preparing to order a glass of prosecco to get the party started. Person B is off to a demanding meeting - she knows the presentation she gives there will make or break her career, and she’s just not had the time to prepare. She feels really stressed and afraid. The two women are sitting next to each other, at the same point in time, in exactly the same situation, but feel very differently because of their thoughts.
I have recently started to offer business consultancy to my clients. It may seem a departure from life coaching but it’s not. Our career or business is just another activity we carry out during our waking hours. What makes it either a joy or a nightmare is how we think and feel about that it.
Everything is connected, there is no work/ life balance, it’s all just LIFE! How often have you been physically at your desk, but replaying in your head the row you had with your partner last night? How often have you been trying to sleep, but worrying about your performance review the next day?
My clients come to me with a problem – my job is to help them find a solution to that problem, so they can move forward with their lives. It doesn’t matter what area of life these problems occur in, the process for sorting them is always the same. Yes, with my business clients I’ll be bringing some of my own HR and entrepreneurial expertise to bear, but often, the real reason a client’s business is struggling has nothing to do with the actions they are taking per se. Something that might seem like a material problem, such as poor sales, might actually be caused by the seller’s lack of belief in the product or themselves. A business owner who works long hours but still makes no money is probably not charging enough, the deeper problem behind this could be that they don’t feel confident enough to charge what they know they’re worth.
The whole game, whether at work, in relationships, in the gym – is in your head. I help my clients look closely at how their current thinking and behaviours are holding them back, and help them change the things they say to themselves and the pictures they make in their head, so they can overcome their limitations, solve their problems and enjoy the fulfilment, success and happiness they deserve in every area of their life.
And remember it’s all connected - my clients always find that through solving a problem in one area of their life, they see positive ripples through other areas of their life too.
Click a link to book a free review of your life or business, so you can get started on solving your problems and moving forward.